Monday, August 18, 2014

Prayer Focus - Monday, August 18, 2014

Focus Topic: Open Hearts

Focus Scripture: "The most important commandment is this: Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only God. And you must love the Lord Your God with all your heart, all Your soul, all Your mind, and all Your strength. The second is equally: Love Your neighbor as Yourself. No other commandment is greater than these." - Mark 12:29-31

Focus Team Members: Pastor Arlena, Barbara Corzine, & Linda Kelly

Prayer: Father, open our hearts today. We invite You to pour Your love, Your grace and Your goodness into us, so we can see people as You see them. We want to love people, look them in the eye and communicate their great worth; their value as individuals created in the image of God. Let us give all of our strength, all of our soul and all of our heart to You, this day. Fill Linda, Barb and Pastor Arlena with Your love. May it flow out of them and touch every single person they encounter. We are so grateful for Your great love, Father God. Amen. 

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