Saturday, July 24, 2010

Prayer Focus :: Saturday, July 24, 2010

Focus Topic :: Safety

Focus Scripture :: Psalm 91

Focus Team Members :: All 14 (Nicole, Diana, Carrianne, Neil, Allie, Christopher, George, Kim, Georgie, Nikki, Mariela, Thaymee, Rick, Angela)

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your protection over our team during this trip. You have sustained them and kept them. I pray that You give them safety as they travel home. Be with them as they begin their journey. Place them on the right flights and with the right flight crew. By Your hand, guide them safely home. Thank You for all that You have done through them on this trip. Give them even more opportunities to minister at the airports and on the plane. We trust them into Your care! In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen!

.....but the greatest of these is LOVE. 1 Cor 13:13

Thursday was our big day of ministry. We started at 8 am and loaded the 150 bags of food, sound equipment,
ministry supplies, and the entire team on to the pick up truck. As we traveled up to the mountain top "brannnccccchhh" was not shouted out as much as in last year's trip, the tree trimmer must have been hard at work prior to our arrival.
At our arrival, we came to a field were the school boys were playing soccer, so of course we had to join in. It did not go so well for us. We lost 3-0 and I am not going to tell you the age of the boys we played, but I will say that most of our team are up there in age. Next year we want a rematch. If you have any soccer skills we need you!
After the loss we set up for the program. It was one of the largest one we have done all week. We had people from age 1- 90 there. The program was great and we had a great prayer time with them afterwards. We just loved on them with every thing we had.
The food distribution was such a blessing. People we so grateful. An old man 88 who was starving walked himself down the mountain and received his bag of food. Women with health issues received the gift of food and love from the Kingsway Church - Thank you to all of you who supported the missions trip.
After the morning was over we had lunch in Pastor Alfonso's Church, there we all shared about the week so far and what it has meant to us all. This was a great time to hear how God is impacting the lives of our team and the people we were serving with. Pastor Alfonso spoke of when our team we there last year. He was discouraged and not seeing much happening on this mountain with the hearts of the people there. Then 2 weeks after we left last year a girl and her family showed up at church. They shared with him that one of our team members had a fruit and put the fruit to their daughter's nose and told her to smell the fruit. She had never been able to smell and was healed instantly. Our team member did not know of this and the impact it had on the girl, family, mountain top and Pastor Alfonso. With our return this year he stated that it is a comfirmation of what God is doing in Purterillos.
Also, Diana, a woman who loves to embrace the people of El Salvador, even without know the language had a special story this day. Don Triplett , shared that Diana really touched the heart of a woman there. She stated that these people (our team) come here and love on us, embracing us, we have alot to learn from them.
The rest of the day we did more programs, seeing God working through out the day. Dinner time was spent at Pizza Hut with 45 of us - every year this is a great time to spent with the nationals and the kids always enjoy this time.
Love has been the theme of this week - In so many ways we see His love being poured out, through us and on us. What a blessing it has been.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Prayer Focus :: Friday, July 23, 2010

Focus Topic :: Wisdom

Focus Scripture :: James 1:5

Focus Team Members :: Angela Pacitti, Rick Pacitti

Prayer: Lord, You say that if we lack wisdom, we should ask. I pray today that You would flood our team leaders and team members with wisdom that only You can supply. I pray they hear Your voice and they will follow You. Grant them wisdom in all that they do and say. I especially pray for Rick & Angie. Speak to them in a new way. Guide their steps. Show them something about You that they have never seen before. Use them to pour out Your love and wisdom on every person they meet. In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Prayer Focus :: Thursday, July 22, 2010

Focus Topic :: Divine Appointments

Focus Scripture : Psalm 32:8

Focus Team Members :: Mariela Ortiz, Thaymee Ortiz

Prayer: God, You said, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Please guide each team member today. May every place they walk be closely watched by You. Bring specific people across their path; superintend every circumstance and situation; govern their interactions and conversations. Be with Mariela & Thaymee today. See what they need from You today and be their supply. Provide them with divine appointments that testify to Your power and love for the people of El Salvador. For Jesus' sake, Amen!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Today was a packed tight day. After breakfast we met up in the warehouse to bag up the food we will be distributing tomorrow up in the mountains. We pack over a weeks worth of food for 150 families. Our team worked at rapido speed, so it didn't take us long and we had time to do something else, so the Nationals, with Thaymee's help decided to pull a little trick on us. Gladys, our leader, told us that we had to clear off the entire top shelf of supplies, (which is the entire length of the warehouse), dust all its contents, and restock it. Little did we know, they had "punked" us. Everybody found it quite comical. Afterwards, we decided to go out and fit in a program before lunch. We went out into the streets. A lot of mothers came out with their babies, and we even had them involved with the games. It was quite a sight. We prayed over a few sick children and those that wanted to accept Christ. After lunch we drove to Krissia's church and ministered to over 130 children. It was a great program, we had a herd rush the front for the prayer. Pastor Julio said it was a wonderful program and that kids were begging us to stay. We went to one more street program. Before we got to the kids, we prayed over an old woman who was being helped by her family members up the hill. They had just gotten back from the hospital. They wouldn't take her in and told her to return in seven days even though she had just suffered a heart-attack. All the kids we ministered to today were so smiley. It was a great day. We also attended Pastor Julio's church again tonight. Thaymee shared her testimony in Spanish and it was really moving. You could tell she was sharing straight from her heart. We also performed the Everything skit for the congregation. There was an intense prayer time afterwards as well over the youth of the church. Tonight most of chilled in the snack bar and busted on each other for over an hour. We pointed out everybody's quirky moves during the different dances and such. We all were in laughing fits. Tomorrow is our last day of ministry in which we will be riding in the back of the pickup truck up into the mountains. There is much excitement in the air. God has been so good to us this week. I am so thankful for the teams members and our leaders and the youth on our bus. Until tomorrow, goodbye!

Back to School We Go.

Today we did four programs, the first being at a small school. Some funny things went down at this location. Nicole has dreaded being picked to play in Mi Corazon for two years, but it finally happened. It turned out to be hysterical though, her and Neil had all the kids laughing. Mr. George also had his part in causing the giggles, he decided to join the ninos in a game where they had to get a cookie from their forehead to their mouth with only the help of the muscles in their face. It was quite a sight. At this school a small group of children came forward for salvation at the end after the message.

The next school we went to was much larger and energetic. This school that we visited on our very first trip to El Salvador is up at the top of a hill. Everywhere you looked kids were running around. Angela, or Gatito the Clown, had the children sprinting back and forth running for their lives. They really loved all the games the Nationals had them doing to win prizes. We also performed the Everything skit. When we began, students were laughing at it, and not understanding it. But by the part where Jesus defeats all the evils the girl is battling with, every student joined in a loud applause. There were a number of teenagers at this school who were hard to reach. We could sense the walls that they had put up during the message. Thaymee and Mariela had a chance along with some of the Nationals to pray over one teenage girl who had many problems at home. After lunch we returned to this school to minister to the next group of students. Just as many kids were sprinting across the playground with Angela and everybody had fun playing and connecting with the kids before the program.

We also ministered in a small town on the street. It was the same location of our very first program last year when we had the piggy back races. Overall today was a very productive day and many kids were reached.

All the team members are pretty beat and we have another long day ahead tomorrow. We will begin packing the bags for the food distribution tomorrow morning at 7:30 AM. In the afternoon we will be heading back out to do more programs to children in the areas around the lake. Thank you all so much for your prayers and comments. I hope you all are having a wonderful week. Hasta manana chicos y chicas.

Prayer Focus :: Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Focus Topic :: Unity/Peace

Focus Scripture :: Philippians 4:6-8 / Isaiah 54:17

Focus Team Members :: Christopher Mickel, Nikki Mickel

Prayer: Father God, on behalf of our team, I am asking You for peace today. You have said in your word that we shouldn't worry about anything, but we should ask You for everything. And, when we do, You give us Your peace. Bring Your peace to our team. May Your Holy Spirit foster a sense of unity. I pray that "no weapon turned against you will succeed" and that Jesus will stop any attack that may come on the team today. I lift up Christopher & Nikki to You, asking that You would be with them in a deeply person and real way. Give them Your peace in all that they do and help them to be examples of unity to the entire team. In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Prayer Focus :: Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Focus Topic :: Health

Focus Scripture :: Isaiah 53:5

Focus Team Members :: Allie Mickel, Georgie Mickel

Prayer: Lord, we know You are the Great Healer! Your presence in our world brought and continues to bring so much healing to every imaginable hurt. I pray that today, and throughout the remainder of this trip, You will be the Great Healer for our team and for anyone they encounter. Show Yourself in a real and restorative way. Touch Allie & Georgie today. Meet their needs, whatever they may be. We trust them to You. Empower them to share with others the healing You have brought to their heart. I pray this in Jesus' Name, Amen!

Monday, July 19, 2010

If For Only One.

Buenos Noche People!
Today was our first day of ministry! It included eight million kids, five programs, two packs of beef jerky, and a partridge in a pear tree. (That one was for you Pastor Arlena, btw, you are missed. I thought I saw you at least three times today. Haha.). Right now most of us are mad chilling here in the snack bar. It's filled with laughter and jokes. Uncle Rick seems a bit tired?, he's cracking up, and I mean like doubled over, at his own jokes. (And he just died after hearing that.) All the kids have clicked well, and of course the adults have bonded in having to look after us. We headed out right after breakfast to travel around the lake to the townships surrounding it. Our first program was one of the most difficult I've ever been apart of. We hiked up a slope which was a mountain to us, but a piece of cake for the Nationals. And it was raining a bit with at least 4 pairs of dogs attempting to get in the way. But we did our best with the first tries at our dances, which surely looked pitiful, but Neil and Bri saved our backs by doing a clever job at the Mi Corazon skit.
Our second program was in a soccer field in that we had to borrow electricity from a small family for. We didn't have a huge turnout, but at the end we prayed over that small family. First for their shy, but adorable, little girl who was sick. Then the husband and wife shared with us, through a translator of course, that they are new Christians, two weeks old to be exact. The husband was actually suicidal before he encountered the Lord. They are about to lose their house however being that the husband has been unemployed for five months. The Lord had laid on Thaymee's heart to share with them the basis of the verse Galatians 6:7-10. Look it up, it's good, I'm serious. The family told us that they were so blessed to have us there, and Thaymee turned it around and said to them pretty much that they have nothing, and on the verge of losing their home, yet they shared their electricity. Letting them know that they will surely be blessed through this. Hugs were shared all around and tears shed. You readers can keep this small, yet strong family in your prayers. Pray that they can keep their house, the husband finds a solid job, and their little girl will be healthy again.
We then came back to the Castle and did a short program for the kids in the feeding program here. I saw a little boy who was here last year. He was wearing the same Bob the Builder pajama shirt and looked no bigger than he did last July. He, however, was contend being held on my hip as long as he had his empty Coke can to play with. After lunch we were supposed to head back out to do another program immediately after. But as we have come to learn, time doesn't mean much here in El Salvador. The Nationals and some of our kids started to playing soccer, kicking the ball in and out of the horses, and we eventually left some 45 minutes later to continue on with our programs. The bus pulled into a little township not too far from the camp. One that we also performed at last summer. This ended up being a wonderful program. Soooo many kids came running, we hardly had to go grab em. And they were already smiling. Half our job was done as soon as they saw the bus. I've never had so many kids leaping to grab the camera lens in my life, "FOTO! FOTO!" I'm also pretty sure that same herd of bulls and cows trucked right through our "stage"again. The B team did the David and Goliath skit very well and it was hysterical. The children were really dirty, but despite that fact, they were the happiest we met all day. Their smiles would literally melt you. One little boy, a familiar face from last year, Israel, couldn't be separated from Georgie after the Jesus skit being that he actually believed that Georgie was Jesus. It was the most precious thing. One old woman, Elise, brought her Bronchitis-stricken granddaughter, Monica, to me to have me pray for her. I had to go grab Thaymee for help, but we got some words exchanged. The many, many Beanie Babies were especially enjoyed at this site. The kids were freaking out.
Tonight we went to a service at Pastor Julio's church. The worship was so lovely, the constant clapping and tamborine-ing. Krissia, one of our National leaders, preached a sermon on John 11. Georgie, Mariela, and Susanna led one of the worship songs. And Neil gave his testimony with Pastor Julio interpreting, which was greatly received by those listening. Tomorrow, will most likely be similar to today...filled with bus rides and programs. It's pouring right now, so hopefully we will see a bit of Mr. Sun in the morning. Today's title is in reference to the prayer Neil prayed as we pulled out of the gates at 8AM. He stated that we are still here to do God's work, even if it's just for only one. That sick girl at the soccer field was just one that we prayed for, who represented one family, that impacted one team, that represents one church, living for the One God.
None of us have broken any bones yet, and we haven't lost any of the 13 members yet.....Did I get you? There's 14 team members, and we're all accounted for. ;-) Goodnight all. Talk to you tomorrow!

Pictures from Team

Prayer Focus :: Monday, July 19, 2010

Focus Topic :: Endurance

Focus Scripture :: 2 Corinthians 12:8-10

Focus Team Members :: Carrianne Hogan, Neil Hooley

Prayer: God, Your grace is enough! I believe that today. May every single team member feel your strength in the midst of their weaknesses today. I pray that each person delights in their weakness, trusting only in Your strength. Jesus, shower Your grace on Carrianne & Neil today. Be with them as they move through the day; protect, guard, and watch over. Bless them with strength that can only come from you. In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Nose Goes!

Today we didn't venture outside the compound at all, however, we exerted plenty of energy, much more than some of the team members....err, the older ones, were used to. Awoken promptly at the terrible hour of 5:00 AM by Miss Kim, even though breakfast isn't served until 6:30, nobody rose too cranky. Some of us being what you may call 'veterans' have found aspects of the compound to be rather "homey." The Chi-Chi's bedding, the gym where we originally learned the Castillo Del Rey songs three summers ago, and the wild, potentially dangerous horses that roam the 36-acres we are occupying this week. After the early bird breakfast we all entered straight into five hours of training. This year we were housed inside the gym instead of the patio due to rain. We were shocked to find out that the main song for the programs, Mi Rey Jesus, has acquired a more techno feel and new movements. No longer do we have a sixteen measure, restful introduction, but a speedy four count hi-hat startoff. So you all will be witnessing a new and improved(?) version of this beloved dance Sunday morning. I got to observe a bit more this year being that I sat out for some of it, so I got to see how ridiculous we all truly look jumping around, especially on the first day.
After a fair amount of bootcamp all morning, and a hearty lunch, we all planned to have some free time until dinner. However, those napping plans were quickly dismissed when rumor started flying that Nelson was present at Castillo Del Rey. To some of you the name Nelson may have little to no meaning, but to us and some of you readers, that is a glorious name to be heard. At breakfast we received news that our dear friend Nelson was not doing to well, in other words, he had dropped out of the Master's Commission program and having much difficulty with struggles in his hometown and with bothersome gangs. Hearing this news personally made my heart sink. Hours later though, literal frowns were turned completely upside down. The whole "see a lost friend and sprint across a field to a warm embrace" scene actually happened with my brother, (hermano). Reconnecting with Nelson was great for everyone. Prayers were placed upon him and old jokes brought up. One of the first phrases out of his mouth was "No See Me" :-). Georgie and Christopher got a competitive, yet friendly, game of futbol going with a group of the national boys. Mrs. Franks had the lovely surprise of seeing her daughter Bri walk through the door after 5 weeks away from each other. Thaymee and Mariela have both proved to be great interpreters for the rest of us Americans, helping us with each and every word. Nicole, Nikki, and Angela have taken a young national girl on our team, Natalie, under their wings and teaching her to be "sassy". They've got her singing Miley Cyrus and saying, "Oh no she didn't" with the finger snap and all. Uncle Rick is once again challenging guys to late night ping pong matches. Mr. George and Miss Kim are holding true to the reputation of being fearless leaders, we'll see if that holds up tomorrow. ;-). Two of the newbies, as we're calling them, Neil and Carrie Ann, have successfully mastered the dances, I ended up following them!
Just about an hour ago, we returned from yet another memorable and impacting night at The Prayer Fortress. There's always something so special about going up to such a sacred place set aside solely for prayer and interceding. Individual and group prayer occurred asking God to bless and prepare the hearts of the lives we would come in contact with through out the week. At the wrap up, one of our American interns, Susanna, shared from her heart that she really believes that our team from Kingsway will be vessels of Love, specifically God's love. As corny as it is, I instantly smiled when she said that, because I was thinking the same thing. Knowing a lot of team members very well, I am well aware that they are all extremely loving and compassionate people, and seeing that someone who just yesterday was a stranger, sensed the same thing, reassured the fact.
Pastor Julio is quite "pumped" for this upcoming week, as we will be going into some difficult areas around the lake. Most of the people we will be ministering to this week, have in fact, actually heard the Gospel before, yet have not committed to the faith. A prayer that I have on my heart this week will be that the work and impact that King's Castle has, continues to be a lasting and impressionable one upon the lives of the children. I'm sure that it would be greatly appreciated by many if you all would keep the same prayer in mind. Two interesting analogies that were used in reference to our upcoming week were a faucet and a rock. Miss Kim shared that it's like we are presented with a faucet, and God's love is the water. We can either turn the handle a little this week, by not putting much effort out, and only let the water trickle out, or we can turn it on full force and watch God's love flood out. Pastor Julio also talked about water continuously dripping on a rock, causing an eventual impression. This helped us returners to understand the reasoning behind going back to the same areas we have ministered in the past. No longer are we slightly discouraged by that fact, but instead excited to go out and share God's love. Tomorrow morning we will be heading out to do our very first programs of the week lasting the whole day. Our first public run through the new dances and skits, and the appearance of our "frosh" clowns will take place.
In the business area of things, all the sicklings are feelings better, Chris put up a good fight in the soccer game, Nikki's smiling again, Miss Kim is still going strong, and I'm obviously not on my deathbed any longer, just kidding, just kidding. Uncle Rick's knee is holding up and nobody else has come down with anything. Oh, and the title of this entry is referring to the little "game" of Nose Goes. Which we taught to the National kids with the help of our Spanish speaking duo, Thaymee and Mariela. They love it. We all send our love, hugs, and kisses. You are all missed. Thank you for reading this wordy piece. I'll try to be shorter next, everybody's yelling at me to wrap it up. But the more the merrier, better safe than sorry? Whatever, at least you are all up to date on our adventures in El Salvador! Hasta Luego Amigos!

Prayer Focus :: Sunday, July 18, 2010

Focus Topic :: Salvation of Souls

Focus Scripture :: John 3:16-17

Focus Team Members :: Nicole Difelice, Diana Franks

Prayer: God, thank You for Your love. Your love motivated You to send Jesus as the Savior of the world. Be with the team as they minister today. May they share Your love and Your salvation, through Jesus, with everyone that they meet. Allow the message of John 3:16 to flow freely from their words and through their service. Be with Nicole & Diana today. May they have a keen sense of Your love in Your hearts. Help them to share it generously. In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


We are all safe, with no worries. I will recap the day from start to finish.
Rick - is in a knee brace, so pray for him (this happened at home and it is still sore).
George - took out one of the church parking lot handicap signs (it was early and he was upset about Ricky - so he says)
Allie - woke up with a stomach bug and was dealing with it all day thru the travels.
Ricky danced in the aisle with the airline stewardess so I think his knee must be feeling better.
Nikki - decided to join Allie with the stomach bug (We have always taught them to share :-).
Chris - always wants to be included so now he to has a bug.
Arrival was easy - We have seen the faces from the past years and it brings a warmth to our hearts. We are meeting the new members of our team and look forward to building relationships.
We are all settled in, feed and relaxing, and now we know for sure Ricky's knee is okay, "PING PONG ANYONE!"

Tomorrow we are being trained all morning and then a free afternoon.
Monday we start ministry.

Please continue to pray for the entire team. "Health, Rest, and as we share the love of GOD!

Safe Arrival

I just heard from our team. They arrived safely in El Salvador about 2:30pm (our time). All luggage and people arrived in one piece. After connecting with the Kings Castle staff, they took the two hour bus ride to the ministry campground. Then, they sat through orientation, got settled in their respective dorms (guys and girls), and ate dinner. Now, Kim is trying to get connected to the Internet so she can update you directly. Tomorrow, the team has training for ministry (that will take all morning) and then some down time (lake and pool swimming).

Keep praying for the team. Pray especially for the Mickel family, specifically, Allie, Nikki, Christopher, & Kim. They have a bit of a 24 hour bug (something they picked up here before they left). Hope you check the updates regularly; there will be a new prayer focus posted tomorrow morning.

Blessings, Pastor Arlena

And They're Off...

FYI...the El Salvador team left Kingsway at 5:45am this morning. We gathered for prayer at 5:30, said our farewells, and hopped into the vans for our trek to Newark. RJ & I got them to the airport safely; now, they board the plane around 9am and should be in the air around 9:30. Keep them in your prayers! Remember the prayer focus will be posted everyday! And, watch for updates from the team in El Salvador.

Blessings, Pastor Arlena

Friday, July 16, 2010

Prayer Focus :: Saturday, July 17, 2010

Focus Topic :: Protection

Focus Scripture :: Psalm 91

Focus Team Members: George & Kim Mickel (Team Leaders)

Prayer: Lord, watch over the entire team as they leave the comfort and conveniences of home to serve You. Keep them safe. Protect them. Shelter them as they travel; guard them from any and all harm - for Jesus' sake. I pray specifically for George & Kim as they lead the team. Give them strength, wisdom, discernment, and help as they are entrusted with so much and with so many. We know that they can do all things through Christ who gives them strength. May they find refuge in solely in You. I ask these things in Jesus' name. Amen!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Why Go On A Missions Trip?

A year in the planning and it's finally here. 14 people from Kingsway Church will travel to El Salvador this Saturday, July 17 to spend a week ministering to children. They will travel far, live outside their comfort zones, meet new people, form new friendships, experience a whole new level of tiredness, and see how the gospel of Jesus Christ really changes lives.

In looking over the posts from the last couple of years, I'm reminded why it's so important to go on at least ONE missions trip in your life. Getting outside of our box, being stretched, abandoning our comforts and conveniences, and having no other focus except serving, teaches you (well, it's taught me, many times over) what really matters. It's not the job, the amount of money in the bank account, the car you drive, or the house you own. What really matters, when it's all said and done, is Jesus.

Jesus makes the difference in so many lives. In El Salvador, I met people who belonged to gangs, were addicted to drugs, and struggled to find hope and meaning, only to be disappointed with the futility of day to day living. But, then, they met Jesus. The gospel meantt real and lasting change for their lives and circumstances. I met children who were impoverished and malnourished; yet, exhibited a joy that many in our American society would love to possess. Jesus. Knowing Him, loving Him, serving Him is everything. And, isn't that, in the end, what really matters?

It's not that the people I've met are some breed of "Super Christian." They still have struggles - like climbing down a mountain for water, drawing it from the lake and carrying it back up the mountain. They still encounter obstacles in life. But, somehow, seeing their love of Christ, despite their circumstances and difficulties, challenged me to ask again: why, when I have so much, does my love for Jesus pale in comparison to theirs? How can I be so easily persuaded that what doesn't matter (wealth, status, career opportunities, possessions), matters?

Everyone should go on a missions trip, at least ONCE in their lifetime. It will change you! I know because every time I go, it has changed me!

I can't wait to hear the stories of transformation that our team members will share when they get back. Keep visiting this blog! Updates will come from the team as regularly as possible.

From my heart,
Pastor Arlena