Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 1 of VBS

We were overwhelmed with kids! We planned for 100 each morning and afternoon. In the morning, we had 131 kids plus adults; in the afternoon, we had 121 kids plus adults. We ministered to kids who where infants, up to 14 years old. Crazy, crazy day. BUT, our supplies stretched, we scrambled and made it were hugged, loved, and told about Jesus. They are memorizing Scripture, playing games, hearing Bible stories, and having a blast in craft time. So, God is good! We are excited for Pastor Julio that so many kids came. He has worked so hard to promote this and wanted to make sure that enough children came. Prayer answered! =) 

We're excited to do it all again today, knowing that we are going to have a ton of kids again. We are praying that God's presence and power ministers to each child and mother who attends. Pray with us! We want to make today count! 

Love to everyone back home! Hope to post pictures tonight! 
Pastor Arlena

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