Friday, July 12, 2013

On Mission in El Salvador

We're excited that 20 people from Kingsway will leave on Saturday, July 20 for a whole week of helping people find and follow Jesus in El Salvador.

How can you be a part of this extraordinary experience?

1. Check this blog daily for updates. You'll stay connected to what is happening there by reading and commenting on their posts here. The team always enjoys hearing from home while they are away.

2. Pray! There will be a prayer focus, Scripture verse, and specific team members listed that you can pray for daily. 

3. Attend one of our (3) services on Sunday, July 28 and hear all about what God did through our team. 

Your investment in mission - praying, giving, and going - stretches around the world. 

I can't wait to hear what God is going to do. How about you?
Pastor Arlena 

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