Friday, July 27, 2012

VBS Pictures - Day 2

The team doing the motions to our Memory Verse Song.

Story Time Station with the little class (0-4).

Memory Verse Station playing one of the games that our national leader, Giovanni, created.

The Craft Station. The kids are coloring and will get their faces painted.

For some reason, I failed to get pictures of the Rec Station yesterday (ugh!) I have some from the previous day, but not on the computer. The Blind Walk (kids are blindfolded and have to walk an obstacle course) was a big hit with every age group.

Probably one of the highlights of yesterday was the opportunity to pray over people in Pastor Julio's church. Here are some pictures that I was able to take. Super proud of our team, praying passionately for the people who came and stood in front of them.

Hopefully more pictures to come! Keep praying!
Pastor Arlena 

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