Sunday, July 22, 2012

Our Day Two, Told in Pictures

Sunday Service at Pastor Julio's church. 140+ in attendance.

Pastor Julio introduced the team to his church. We were and are extremely honored to minister with him and to his wonderful people.

Zack played and sang, "What I Want" by The City Harmonic. Powerful ministry in music.

As part of my sermon, I had team members share testimonies. George shared first, then Angie, and then, Kim. All of them described how God led them, saved them, and continues to guide them as they walk with Him.  Amazing how the Holy Spirit used them to speak to people! 

This afternoon, we divided into four groups and walked around the Lake, visiting families in Pastor Julio's church. We literally sat down in people's houses, talked to them, asked them questions and then, had the privilege of praying with them. In this picture, one of our National Staff, Moses, led Angie, Ray, Jonathan, & Christopher into this home. They made such good friends, they wanted to take a picture at the end of their time together.

Thanks so much for praying for us. We certainly feel it! Tomorrow, we spend time in training, put the bags of food together for the distribution and head up to the prayer fortress for a special time of prayer tomorrow night. We are pleased to be able to serve the Lord in El Salvador; thanks for all of your support! 

Love, Pastor Arlena


KJ Harting said...

I cannot tell you how proud I feel of my church family at this moment. The Picts are awesome! Thank you for sharing w/ all of us @ home praying CONSTANTLY!

Chris said...

Praying for everyone!

Love & miss you,


nfrazier said...

Zack gave me a preview of that song in my living room before y'all left. Moved Michele and I to tears. Awesome to see The Lord working in people's lives through y'all!