Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Huge Bug Attacks (Everyone Is Safe)

Last night, we slept without electricity (no fans or lights in our room) and some on the team endured cold showers this morning. However, by the time we came back from breakfast, power was restored.  Right after breakfast, we headed to the gym for our morning of training. Once again, the dance moves of Kingsway Church were on display for all the world to see...and it wasn't a pretty sight. In a little over four hours, we learned four dances and two drama skits...all of which we will use tomorrow in street ministry and during the opening of VBS. 

At lunch, we did something we have never done before - served lunch to the children who are a part of the feeding program here at Kings Castle. Although the time we took to serve them was brief, it was great to see their smiles and to hear them say in English, "Thank you very much."

After the feeding program, we headed to the warehouse to pack up 150 bags of food that we will distribute tomorrow. 150 families have received a ticket to a program, held here on the Kings Castle campground, and at the close of the program they will receive their bag. Pastor Julio is adament that we take the opportunity to share the Gospel so the team will minister in dance and drama; George will speak (I could use the word preach, but I don't think he would like it). 

Then, we took two hours to prep our VBS supplies and review logistics for the VBS we are conducting on Wednesday and Thursday. I have to say, I'm quite proud of the Memory Verse Song (a Kingsway VBS leftover from 2010) that we created the motions for. Ms. Linda, you would be proud! =)

Tonight, we spent two hours at the Prayer Fortress praying. On the Kings Castle property is a building that for almost 13 years has hosted continual prayer - 24 hours a day; 7 days a week; 365 days a year...someone is praying in that building. It's a special, consecrated place. We spent time in personal prayer; prayed over our leaders; and prayed for one another - that the gifts of the Holy Spirit would be active in our team as we ministered this week. 

As we were about to leave, a giant bug, moth-like thing flew into our group and sent everyone scattering. Zack gets the badge of courage for the night as he kept calm and stood still as the bug landed on his pant leg. Although several of our guys valiantly attempted to capture the beast (not Brenna - fyi, Brenna is known as the beast), we couldn't capture it and decided to leave the fortress. 

We are tired, excited, and ready for the next three full days of ministry.

Keep praying! We're expecting God to work through us to share His love with the people of El Salvador!

Love, Pastor Arlena 


Mary O. said...

Its so great to hear how much you are all doing, you haven't even been there 2 whole days yet!!

Can't wait to hear about VBS!

Take care, Lord bless!!


KJ Harting said...

Aww! So proud of Zack :)

I cannot believe how much you're doing in such short amounts of time!! Good job Kingsway!!

Cannot wait to hear about VBS!

tatertot said...

THE BEAST!!! hahahah...laughed out loud :) someone hug all my girls for me!! -jen