Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Prayer Focus - Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Focus Topic: Empowerment for Witness

Focus Scripture: Acts 1:8 / 1 Peter 3:9

Focus Team Members: Ivette Garcia & Kely Knowles

Today, it is likely that our team is ministering in schools, possibly conducting and outreach in a prison or perhaps, visiting an orphanage filled with teenagers. Pray for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to be with each and every team member. Let them be used by the Lord to see many, many people come to know Christ. We can pray with confidence, knowing we are praying His will when we ask Him for souls to be saved!

Holy Spirit, fill Your servants today! Empower them to proclaim the good news of the Gospel in everything they do. Draw people to them; direct each team member to the person You have ordained for them to minister to. I pray especially Ivette & Kely: they each have a story to share. Use them and their lives as a testimony to Your faithfulness and goodness. May our team experience Your presence and see many make a decision to follow Christ!

1 comment:

KJHarting said...

It's gonna be an AWESOME morning!

I'm excited to find what The Lord has for you @ the orphanage!!

Praying, praying, praying.

Love you guys!