Monday, October 10, 2011

Prayer Focus - Monday, October 10, 2011

Focus Topic: Peace / Strength

Focus Scripture: Isaiah 26:3 / Philippians 4:13

Focus Team Member: Larry Briggs

The Lord promises in Isaiah 26:3 to keep in “perfect peace” those who trust in Him. Peace will look different for each member of our team; that’s why this promise is so beautiful. Perfect - complete - ideal - tailored for - peace is available to each team members (& their families) as they minister this week. And we know that God supplies His strength, enabling us to do anything He has called us to do. Our team needs the strength of the Lord to sustain them through all of their activities this week. I’m grateful God is more than up to the task of giving them His strength!

Father, we thank You for Your perfect peace and Your abundant strength! We have experienced it so often in our own lives. We pray for our team right now. May your peace and strength flow through every fiber of their being. Touch Larry today. Let him know how sufficient You are to be there for him when he feels tired. Remove any anxiety that our team may be experiencing; provide courage and boldness for whatever tasks they are asked to do this day. We trust You to give them exactly what is needed throughout the day! For Jesus’ sake we ask these things, amen!

1 comment:

KJHarting said...

Sad I'm not there as I was supposed to be, but I am praying daily, through out the day & will do so all this week.

I hope The Lord will rock all of you!
