Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Focus Topic: Trust

Focus Scripture: Matthew 8

Focus Team Member: Heather Todd

Matthew 8 is bursting with amazing situations where Jesus demonstrated God’s love for his people! Just in this one chapter, we see many healed and many more who witnessed these miracles and turned their eyes to Jesus. What stands out in this chapter is that these people had to trust in Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit to even ask for healing let alone believe that healing would come to them. Today, our team in Rwanda will begin 4 days of intense and fun ministry with a group of young people! Even though we don’t know these young people’s stories, what they have been through and what they have seen in their lives, there is a good chance that some or most of them carry walls where ever they go. These walls are their protections and have become a sense of security for them. In order for the Holy Spirit to have his way this week, those walls need to be broken down! As we pray today, let’s pray that as these young people step foot onto the campus of this camp, that they would be flooded with a supernatural ability to TRUST our friends who are running the camp. Trust them with their hurts, trust them with their scars, trust them with their dreams. As they are able to trust the team members and the power of the Holy Spirit working in them, let’s believe for miracles!

Prayer: God, you care about us so much that you provide in your word everything we need to be carriers of your good news! We see the events of Matthew chapter 8 and we are envious and set on fire by the faith and trust we see flowing out of the people to Jesus. Your response to that faith was meeting the needs of each and every person Jesus encountered. As these young people who each have a name, a story, a calling, and an anointing step foot on that camp today, let them be overwhelmed with the ability to trust their counselors immediately. As trust grows, allow the Holy Spirit to flow in ways that we could never ask or think. We entrust our team to you and we give you each and every life that will be impacted this week. Build life changing relationships and performs miracles in the heart of every child present this week! We love you Jesus! In your name we pray. Amen


Jenners said...

Praise God for all that the Lord is doing in Rwanda and how He is using each of you as His vessels! We are praying for all of you! Love the blog and the pics!!! I got teary eyed just from what I read already. Send my love to my friend and sister Heather Todd! WE LOVE YOU!!! love, Jen and Edgar ~Colossians 3:23~

Alice Monteiro said...

Love and greetings to you from Pensy especially from Shelly and Mai. We are praying for you and the entire group. Love the Pictures