Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Focus Topic: Empowerment and Infilling

Focus Scripture: Joel 2:28-29, Matthew 28:18-20

Focus Team Member: Tim Hussey

We have learned in the last year that the Holy Spirit has two main functions in our life. The first is life transformation and the other is empowerment for mission! Later in the week we will focus our praying on life transformation for our team and those they encounter, today, let’s focus on the empowerment and infilling that is provided through the Holy Spirit in order to bring people into the kingdom of God. In Matthew 28, Jesus Commissions his disciples to GO and make disciples of all nations. What an honor to not only to lead someone to salvation BUT to lead someone to the beauty of what it means to be a disciple of Christ! That is what this team is looking to do this week, pour out God’s love on these young people so that they will be drawn to seek a relationship with Jesus not just a onetime salvation experience. God promises to his people in Joel 2 that he will pour out His Spirit on all people! These men and women who we love so dearly need the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to fulfill what God has sent them to do!

Prayer: Jesus! You reign high above powers and principalities! We cry out on behalf of our team today asking that you would send your Holy Spirit like a rushing wind to empower our brothers and sisters to love richly, speak boldly, and exemplify relationship with you in such a way that the young people they encounter this week would not be able to deny you or the desire to be in relationship with you! Holy Spirit fill your workers this week so that they would be able to fulfill Your great commission! Your word says that no weapon formed against your team shall prosper. We pray that as they begin to minister that you would put a hedge around them and the work that they are in Rwanda to do. Protect your workers and the precious plans you have in store. We give you this team. Holy Spirit have your way in them and in the young people they connect with this week! We love you Jesus. In Jesus’ Name we pray! Amen

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen - beautiful! Thank you Jesus!