Friday, July 17, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Focus Topic: Protection

Focus Scripture: Psalm 91

Focus Team Members: Devon Cimino, Pastor Arlena Corzine

Prayer: Father God, I come to you in the Name of Jesus, asking you to cover the entire team with Your protection. I pray that you would command your angels concerning our team, to guard them in all their ways. I lift up to you specifically Devon and Pastor Arlena. God, Help them find refuge in you today. I pray these things through the power in the Name of Jesus, Amen!


Alicia said...

El Salvador team!! Just wanted to let you know I have been thinking about each of you and praying for you today!! God has amazing things in store for each of you! Don't hold back, go for everything he wants to give you!!


Tyler said...

Good luck this week guys! I'm excited for some good stories and some even better testimonies. Bri, we won today 14-0. One down and two to go. Have a great time and I'll talk to you soon.
